Take a step into Michigan Place, where vibrant living, central location, and modern conveniences elevate downtown living with contemporary design that blends seamlessly with the traditional East Buffalo neighborhoods.
Located is in a transitional neighborhood at the intersection of Michigan and Best Streets Michigan Place stands at the collision of century old single-family homes, five-story affordable housing complexes filling entire city blocks, the multi-storied City Honors High School, and the ever-expanding Buffalo Medical Campus.
When conceptualizing a structure to transition from the scale of single-family homes to the massive structures across the street, the architect believed a softening of the architecture and scale was necessary at this intersection. The wood-framed structure was envisioned to be a 3-story structure whose height and roof lines directly correlated to the single-family homes that surround the building. Gable, hip and open ended half gable roof lines with multiple dormers spaced with varying relation to one another mimic the roof lines of the single-family homes that line the adjacent Michigan and Best Streets.
Founded on shallow foundations following a Brownfield Remediation, the 38 unit, 29000-sf Michigan Place fulfills its promise by strengthening a formerly abandoned corner with modern amenities within an understated façade which nods to the future while reflecting the past.